Distances on the Cuyahoga

The distance on a given line is the distance between the landmark on the previous line and the landmark on the following line.

Waypoint: Miles Meters
Center Street Bridge


0.49 790
Columbus Road Bridge


0.32 516
Railroad Bridge downstream of dock


0.17 274
Railroad Bridge at Carter Rd.


0.25 403
SRL Race Start opposite Aqua


0.15 242
Eagle Street Bridge


0.28 452
Hope Memorial / Lorain Carnegie Overpass


0.28 452
I-90 Overpass


0.28 452
West 3rd Street Bridge


0.19 306
Downstream end of Marathon Bend


0.11 177
Upstream end of Marathon Bend


0.83 1339
490 Overpass




Total: 3.35 5403